
October 2016: After an unpleasant night with little sleep we arrived safely in Crete at the town of Rhythmion; looking on the bright side we did sail most of the way. The sun was shining to welcome us to Rhythmion with a space available on the visitor pontoon. We had […]

Rhythmion and the Samaria Gorge

Our first stop on the third finger of the Peloponnese was Plytra. Morrissey singing ‘Every day is like Sunday in a seaside town where everything is closed down’ kept popping into my head. Except it didn’t feel gloomy in bright sunshine and temperatures of 30°C. Despite not much being open, […]

Peloponnese III – Running Away From the Weather

After a few weeks sailing around the western finger of the Peloponnese, it was time to move on to the second – known as the Mani peninsula. It was a rushed departure from Koroni after a sleepless night of pitching and rolling. A north easterly wind had started blowing into […]

Peloponnese II – The Mani Peninsula

It was an uneventful journey from Montenegro to Corfu. We managed about 30nm of sailing, the rest of the journey the winds were far too light to push Emerald along. We spent one night at sea where green was the theme – the sun gave us it’s green flash and the almost […]

Flash, Bang: Welcome to the Ionian

10th August: The early bird only just caught the worm when we went to check out from Cavtat at 6:30 this morning. We were surprised to see just a small gap remaining on the end of the customs quay as a huge powerboat got in just before us to the […]


4th August: Our walk from the anchorage at Pasadur to Lastovo town turned out to be more of an adventure than expected. We set off along the road alongside the anchorage, soon turning off onto a forest track. Being a forest track we expected some shade from the trees, but the […]

The Spiders of Lastovo and the Walls of Ston

31st July: It was a light winds day for our journey out to Vis so unfortunately it was all motor and no sail. We arrived early afternoon to find most of the mooring buoys free. The buoys are a bit pricey at 294kn for 13 to 14m but they gave […]


After an overnight stay in the huge and empty bay in Pasman next to Muntan island we headed on up to Ugljan island for a MdR reunion. We were able to sail most of the way, starting off gently downwind at 3kts playing around with the genny and staysail winged out […]

Ugljan and Dugi Otok – Our Furthest North