
A trip to the south of Tunisia to visit the desert. We based ourselves in the town of Tozeur for two days from where we could visit an oasis, ride camels and drive over the sand in a 4WD

Ships of the Desert

Our first week in Monastir was spent exploring the local area - the medina, market, ribat and the mausoleum of Tunisia's first president. We also tried the local food with it's welcome blend of tasty spices.

Week One in Monastir

Our arrival in Marina di Ragusa last October unfortunately coincided with our favourite pizza maker being closed for a family event. We’d been dreaming of our first Amala pizza all the way along the Sicilian coast and on the evening of our arrival eagerly waited for the opening hour only […]

A Tempestuous Trip to Tunisia

It’s been a while coming, but here is the summary of our sailing adventures for 2018. It even includes a pie chart! Where and How Far Full details of our journey can be found by scrolling through the 2018 routes and blogs here.  We departed Roccella Ionica in Calabria, Italy on […]

Summary of our Sailing Adventures For 2018

If sailing north Corsica had been amazing, to sail west Corsica was even better. Given that I’m writing this several months later from our winter berth, I can confidently say it was my favourite area of this year’s summer cruise.  It had clear, electric blue water, abundant sea life, walks […]

Sail West Corsica – Fish, Mountains, and a Mistral

Post via ssb Crossing from Sardinia (Calaforte) to Sicily (Winter Quarters- change of plan!!) Departure date Sunday 30th September, 2018 at noon. Eta 9am Wednesday 3rd October 2018 Tuesday 2nd October Noon Current Position: 37 33.61 N 12 32.78 E Speed: 5.1 knots Course: 119 deg Noon to Noon run […]

Position Report- High Seas

Post via ssb Crossing from Sardinia (Calaforte) to Sicily (Mazara) Departure date Sunday 30th September, 2018 at noon. Monday 1st October Noon Current Position: 38 20.76 N 10 23.46 E Speed: 5.6 knots Course: 111 deg noon to noon run 115nm (not bad for an old girl in these conditions) […]

Position Report- High Seas

Test Post via ssb to check comms for crossing from Sardinia (Calaforte) to Sicily (Trapani) Scheduled departure date Sunday 30th September, 2018 at noon. Current Position: 33 06.02 N 08 18.21 E Speed: 0.0 knots Course: Anchored All well on board. BBq planned for this evening. Hoping for a reasonable […]

Position Report- High Seas