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On this page, you can find a list of all the blogs we've written. Scroll through the pages to see the older ones. To view them in their various categories, use the main menu bar above where you can find them grouped by the places we've visited and by year. On the Blog Posts menu you can select blogs by the following groups:

  • Life Aboard – our experiences of living on a boat,
  • Boat & Technical Projects – the upgrades and repairs we've made to Emerald,
  • Land Travel – experiences away from the boat,
  • Green Emerald Series – Colin's posts about making Emerald into an off-grid sailing boat,
  • Passage Reports – our experiences during the longer sailing passages.

Latest Blog Post

Sail to Terceira From Santa Maria via Sao Miguel

We dodged squalls as we set sail from Santa Maria to Sao Miguel. The next day we departed Sao Miguel with an unexplained uneasiness, however we had one of our best sails in a long time. In Terceira, we anchored in Praia da Vitoria, the best anchorage in the Azores.

All Posts

Take a browse through the many posts we've written over the last few years as we travel and live on the watery world.

Admiring the Temple of Concordia

January Jaunts

After the balmy weather of Christmas the New Year made a chilly contrast as colder, stormier weather arrived. We were too busy sleeping off the fun of New Year’s Eve to make the swim in the sea, but 10 or so hardy souls braved the waves. Unfortunately after new year […]

Happy Christmas

December happenings

Sinterklaasavond Christmas festivities started early with the Dutch celebration of Sinterklaasavond on the 5th December. There is a good sized group of Dutch winterers in the marina and they organised a night of dressing up in orange, eating traditional Dutch food and joining in a conga type dance in the […]

Change is in the air

Yacht Emerald is changing! We are in the process of creating a WordPress site for Emerald. Keep a look out for new blogs and a new look site. Please comment with any suggestions on the style and layout.         [codepeople-post-map]   Bye