Canary Islands towards Santa Maria, Azores: Day 2


VIA Telnet:


Day 2 of many Canary Islands to Santa Maria Azores
Total miles sailed: (Sun-Mon) 12 noon-12 noon 126.7 nm (482nm to go)

Current position:

Approx 120nm South west Madeira Island (typo yesterday!) , heading 325deg, speed: 5.1knots. Sea state:1.3m but decreasing a tad (apart from the squalls of doom)

Passage notes:

Well day two. We had an exciting night with some squally wind, gusting out of the night up to F7, with bigger seas to deal with.

There were lots of sail changes, I still need to reach out to that E-wincher fella, before I end up with biceps like Arnie.

There was some lost sleep due to a couple of squalls during the night, continuing into the morning. Thankfully feeling a bit better now having napped throughout the day so far, and the boat is drifting ahead at 4-5.5 knots, with 15-20 knots apparent wind closer to a beam reach. A reef in the main and 3 or four rolls in the Yankee, (staysail stowed) taking it easy, to give us a rest and ease the motion a bit.

We’ve just had our main meal of chilli and are thinking of letting the whole genny out until dusk to gain us a few extra miles. That’s because we want to try and get ahead of some weather, north of Madeira, Tuesday into Wednesday.

Things that Broke:

Nothing, although we have a port light leak above the chart table, discovered during the biggest squall last night. Also not sure if i should include the skipper’s shoulders??

Wildlife spotted:

A handful of shearwaters again.
One Stowaway, a racing pigeon we’ve named Pat. They are currently sleeping in the dinghy, having gulped several shot glasses of water in the cockpit with us. We will of course be charging it passage rates. We have an e-wincher to save for!!

a racing pigeon taking a break on a sailing boat sailing between the Canary Islands and the Azores
Pat the racing pigeon took a rest on the boat

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