We had our best passage ever in the Med, sailing between the Spanish mainland and Formentera.
After a few days relaxing, we headed on to the north of Ibiza and the visually stunning anchorage of Punta Grossa.
Our arrival in Marina di Ragusa last October unfortunately coincided with our favourite pizza maker being closed for a family event. We’d been dreaming of our first Amala pizza all the way along the Sicilian coast and on the evening of our arrival eagerly waited for the opening hour only […]
Due to the birthday celebrations of the evening before and the possibility of feeling a little shabby, we’d planned on an easy day and a short trip to anchor off Capo San Vito for one night and to take Friday’s forecast north easterly winds across to Sardinia. But after a […]
27th May to 1st June We are beginning to strongly dislike the Ionian Sea. Of the three crossings we have made, none can be described as having been enjoyable. The first was a dull slog where we only sailed a quarter of it, the second was beset with no wind […]